Upcoming Events

Are you interested in gaining a deeper understanding of God’s design for marriage as revealed in His Word? If so, whether you’re single or married, plan on joining us for a six session group discussion going through a study by Tim & Kathy Keller called, “The Meaning of Marriage: A Vision for Married and Single People.” We’ll meet in the sanctuary from 6:30-7:45pm on specific Wednesday evenings. The first 20 minutes or so will be spent viewing a video discussion on the subject and the remaining time spent in group discussion through a study guide that will be provided. Email Pastor Matt if you’re interested in participating or would like more information.
If you’re feeling called to pursue membership or are simply interested in learning more about New Hope – what we believe, why we do what we do, and why any of it matters, please plan to join us after church on Sunday, February 9th and Sunday, February 16th after service until 2:30pm. Lunch will be provided for all participants, so please sign up at the Welcome Center on Sunday or email Pastor Matt at if you’re planning to join us for these meetings so we can plan accordingly.
Register for the 2025 Women’s Retreat here!
Save the date for the upcoming Men’s Retreat! 
The men will be gathering on March 14-16 at Bethel Horizons Retreat Center in Dodgeville.  More details will be coming soon!

Recent Events

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**For information regarding ministry-specific events, please click HERE and select the ministry of interest!